Hernandez, A.*; Krull, N. K.*; Murphy, B.T.; Use of MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry and IDBac to selectively mine for understudied bacterial genera from the environment. 2024, Under review.
Discovery of new cyclic lipodepsipeptide orfamide N via partnership with middle school students from the Boys & Girls Clubs of Chicago. Tan, J. Y.; Augustinović, M.; Omar, A. M.; , Lourenzon, V.; Krull, N.; Lopez, X.; Khin, M.; Shetye, G.; Williams, C.; Rodriguez, J.; Eustáquio, A. S.; Burdette, J. E.; Cho, S.; Zhang, Q.; Franzblau, S. G.; Murphy, B. T. ACS Omega 2024, 9, 44749.
*Article featured in the Washington Post and on the front page of the Chicago Tribune

Paulo, B.; Recchia, M. J. J.; Lee, S.; Fergusson, C.; Romanowski, S. B.; Hernandez, A.; Krull, N.; Liu, D.; Cavanagh, H.; Bos, A.; Gray, C.; Murphy, B. T.; Linington, R.; Eustaquio, A. Discovery of megapolipeptins by genome mining of a Burkholderiales bacteria collection. Chem. Sci. 2024, 15, 16567-16581.

Caro-Diaz, E.; Balunas, M.; Giddings, L-A.; Murphy, B.T.; Naman, C. B.; Salomon, C.; Tidgewell, K.; Winter, J. Outlining the Hidden Curriculum: Perspectives on Successfully Navigating Scientific Conferences. J. Nat. Prod. 2024, 87, 5, 1487-1492.

Discovery of a new antibiotic demethoxytetronasin using a Dual-sided Agar Plate Assay (DAPA). Lee, J.-H.; Ma, R.; Nguyen, L.; Kahn, S.; Qader, M.; Mpofu, E.; Shetye, G.; Krull, N. K.; Augustinović, M.; Omarsdottir, S.; Cho, S.; Franzblau, S. G.; Murphy, B. T. ACS Inf. Dis. 2023, 9, 1593-1601. *Article featured on the cover.

A Streptomyces tendae specialized metabolite inhibits quorum sensing in Group A Streptococcus. Nepomuceno, V.; Tylor, K.; Carlson, S.; Federle, M.; Murphy, B. T.; Perez-Morales, T. Microbiology Spectrum, 2023, e0527922.
Relationship between bacterial phylotype and specialized metabolite production in the culturable microbiome of two freshwater sponges. Clark, C. M.; Hernandez, A.; Mullowney, M. W.; Fitz-Henley, J.; Li, E.; Romanowski, S.; Pronzato, R.; Manconi, R.; Sanchez, L. M.; Murphy, B. T. ISME Comm 2022, 2, 22.

Automated microbial library generation using the bioinformatics program IDBac. Clark, C. M.; Nguyen, L.; Pham, V. C.; Sanchez, L. M.; Murphy, B. T. Molecules. 2022, 27, 2038.

The flavonoid baicalein negatively regulates progesterone target genes in the uterus in vivo. Li, K.; Diakite, D.; Lantvit, D.; Austin, J.; Lee, J-H.; Murphy, B.; Burdette, J. J. Nat. Prod. 2022, 85, 237.

Evaluating the distribution of bacterial natural product biosynthetic gene clusters across Lake Huron sediment. Elfeki, M.; Mantri, S.; Clark, C. M.; Green, S. J.; Ziemert, N.; Murphy, B. T. ACS Chem. Biol. 2021, 16, 2623-2631.

The need to innovate sample collection and library generation in microbial drug discovery: a focus on academia. Hernandez, A.; Nguyen, L.; Dhakal, R.; Murphy, B. T. Nat. Prod. Rep. 2021, 38, 292-300.

Secoiridoids from Dogwood (Cornus officinalis) Potentiate Progesterone Signaling. Lee, J.-H.; Austin, J. R.; Burdette, J. E.; Murphy, B. T. J. Nat Prod. 2021, 84, 2612-2616.

Irilone, a Red Clover Isoflavone, Combined with Progesterone Enhances PR Signaling Through the Estrogen and Glucocorticoid Receptors. Austin, J. R.; Li, K.; Rodriguez, R.; Lantvit, D.; Murphy, B. T.; Burdette, J. E. J. Nat Prod. 2021, 84, 3090.
A Call to Action: The Need for Standardization in Developing Open-Source Mass Spectrometry-Based Methods for Microbial Subspecies Discrimination. Clark, C. M.; Murphy, B. T.; Sanchez, L. M. mSystems. 2020, 5, e00813-19.
Minimizing taxonomic and natural product redundancy in microbial libraries using MALDI-TOF MS and the bioinformatics pipeline IDBac. Costa, M. S.*; Clark, C. M.*; Omarsdottir, S.; Sanchez, L. M.; Murphy, B. T. J. Nat Prod. 2019, 82, 2167-2173.

Using the open-Source MALDI TOF-MS IDBac pipeline for analysis of microbial protein and specialized metabolite data. Clark, C. M.*; Costa, M. S.*; Conley, E.*; Li, E.; Sanchez, L. M.; Murphy, B. T. J. Vis. Exp. 2019, 147, e59219.

Genome sequence of marine-derived Streptomyces sp. strain F001, a producer of akashin A and diazaquinomycins. Braesel, J.; Clark, C. M.; Kunstman, K. J.; Green, S. J.; Maienschein-Cline, M.; Murphy, B. T.; Eustaquio, A. S. Microbiol. Resour. Announc. 2019, 8, e00165-19.
Diazaquinomycin biosynthetic gene clusters from marine and freshwater actinomycetes. Braesel, J.; Lee, J-H.; Arnould, B.; Murphy, B. T.; Eustaquio, A. S. J. Nat. Prod. 2019, 82, 937-946.

Antimicrobial Lavandulylated Flavonoids from a Sponge-Derived Streptomyces sp. G248 in East Vietnam Sea. Cao, D. D.; Trinh, T. T.; Mai, H. D.; Vu, V. N.; Minh, H. L.; Thi, Q. V.; Nguyen, M. A.; Duong, T. T.; Tran, D. T.; Chau, V. M.; Ma, R.; Shetye, G.; Cho, S.; Murphy, B. T.; Pham, V. C. Mar. Drugs. 2019, 17, 529.
Viral composition and context in metagenomes from biofilm and suspended growth municipal wastewater treatment plants. Petrovich, M. L.; Maamar, S. B.; Hartmann, E. M.; Murphy, B. T.; Poretsky, R. S.; Wells, G. F. Microb. Biotechnol. 2019, 1-13.
Deconvolution of E/Z tetrahydroisoquinoline amide rotamers and conformers from a marine-derived Streptomyces strain. Nepomucenu, V. M.; Kim, H.; Ding,Y.; Liu, H.; Sadek, M.; Ferreira, D.; Omarsdottir, S.; Murphy, B. T. Tetrahedron. 2018, 74, 7421-7425.

Assessing the efficiency of cultivation techniques to recover natural product biosynthetic gene populations from sediment. Elfeki, M.; Alanjary, M.; Green, S.; Ziemert, N.; Murphy, B. T. ACS Chem. Biol. 2018, 13, 2074-2081.

Coupling MALDI-TOF mass spectrometry protein and specialized metabolite analyses to rapidly discriminate bacterial function. Clark, C. M.; Costa, M. S.; Sanchez, L. M.; Murphy, B. T. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. 2018, 115, 4981-4986.

Irilone from Red Clover (Trifolium pratense) potentiates progesterone signaling. Lee, J.-H.; Dean, M.; Burdette, J. E.; Murphy, B. T. J. Nat Prod. 2018, 81, 1962-1967.

Braesel, J.; Crnkovic, C. M.; Kunstman, K. J.; Green, S. J.; Maienschein-Cline, M.; Orjala, J.; Murphy, B. T.; Eustaquio, A. S. Complete genome of Micromonospora sp. Strain B006 reveals biosynthetic potential of a Lake Michigan Actinomycete. J. Nat. Prod. 2018, 81, 2057-2068.

Antibiotic resistance genes show enhanced mobilization through suspended growth and biofilm-based wastewater treatment processes. Petrovich, M.; Chu, B.; Wright, D.; Griffin, J.; Elfeki, M.; Murphy, B. T.; Poretsky, R.; Wells, G. FEMS Microbiol. Ecol. 2018, 94, fiy041.
Canvass: a crowd-sourced, natural product screening library for exploring biological space. 2018, ACS Central Sci. 2018, 4, 1727-1741. Kearney, S. ; Zahoránszky-Kőhalmi, G. ; Brimacombe, K.; Henderson, M.; Lynch, C.; Zhao, T.; Wan, K.; Itkin, Z.; Dillon, C.; Shen, M.; Cheff, D.; Lee, T.; Bougie, D.; Cheng, K.; Coussens, N.; Dorjsuren, D.; Eastman, R.; Huang, R.; Iannotti, M.; Karavadhi, S.; Klumpp-Thomas, C.; Roth, J.; Sakamuru, S.; Sun, W.; Titus, S.; Yasgar, A.; Zhang, Y.-Q.; Zhao, J.; Andrade, R.; Brown, M.; Burns, N.; Cha, J.; Mevers, E.; Clardy, J.; Clement, J.; Crooks, P.; Cuny, G.; Ganor, J.; Moreno, J.; Morrill, L.; Picazo, E.; Susick, R.; Garg, N.; Goess, B.; Grossman, R.; Hughes, C.; Johnston, J.; Joullié, M.; Kinghorn, D.; Kingston, D.; Krische, M.; Kwon, O.; Maimone, T.; Majumdar, S.; Maloney, K.; Mohamed, E.; Murphy, B. T.; Nagorny, P.; Olson, D.; Overman, L.; Brown, L.; Snyder, J.; Porco, J.; Rivas, F.; Ross, S.; Sarpong, R.; Sharma, I.; Shaw, J.; Xu, Z.; Shen, B.; Shi, W.; Stephenson, C.; Verano, A.; Tan, D.; Tang, Y.; Taylor, R.; Thomson, R.; Vosburg, D.; Wu, J.; Wuest, W.; Zakarian, A.; Zhang, Y.; Ren, T.; Zuo, Z.; Inglese, J.; Michael, S.; Simeonov, A.; Zheng, W.; Shinn, P.; Jadhav, A.; Boxer, M.; Hall, M.; Xia, M.; Guha, R.; Rohde, J.
Metagenomic analysis reveals the impact of wastewater treatment plants on the dispersal of microorganisms and genes in aquatic sediments. Chu, B; Petrovich, M.; Chaudhary, A; Wright, D.; Murphy, B. T.; Wells, G.; Poretsky, R. Appl. Environ. Microbiol. 2017, 84, e02168-17.
Phytosteroids beyond estrogens: Regulators of reproductive and endocrine function in natural products. Dean, M. Murphy, B. T., Burdette, J. E. Mol Cell Endocrinol. 2016, 442, 98.
Sharing and community curation of mass spectrometry data with Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking.
Wang, M.; Carver, J.; Phelan, V. V.; Sanchez, L. M.; Garg, N.; Peng, Y.; Watrous, J.; Nguyen, D. D.; Kapono, C. A.; Luzzatto-Knaan, T.; Porto, C; Bouslimani, A.; Melnik, A. V.; Meehan, M. J.; Liu, W-T.; Crüsemann, M.; Boudreau, P. D.;’ Esquenazi, E.; Sandoval-Calderón, M.; Kersten, R. D.; Pace, L. A.; Quinn, R. A.; Duncan, K. R.; Hsu, C-C.; Floros, D. J.; Gavilan, R. G.; Kleigrewe, K.; Northen, T.; Dutton, R. J.; Parrot, D.; Carlson, E. E.; Aigle, B.; Michelsen, C. F.; Jelsbak, L.; Sohlenkamp, C.; Pevzner, P.; Edlund, A.; McLean, J.; Piel, J.; Murphy, B. T.; Gerwick, L.; Liaw, C-C.; Yang, Y-L.; Humpf, H-U.; Maansson, M.; Keyzers, R. A.; Sims, A. C.; Johnson, A. R.; Sidebottom, A. M.; Sedio, B. E.; Klitgaard, A.; Larson, C. B.; Boya, C. A.; Torres-Mendoza, D.; Gonzalez, D. J.; Silva, D. B.; Marques, L. M. M.; Demarque, D. P.; Pociute, E.; O’Neill, E. C.; Briand, E.; Helfrich, E. J. N.; Granatosky, E. A.; Glukhov, E.; Ryffel, F.; Houson, H.; Mohimani, H.; Kharbush, J. J.; Zeng, Y.; Vorholt, J. A.; Kurita, K. L.; Charusanti, P.; McPhail, K. L.; Nielsen, K. F.; Vuong, L.; Elfeki, M.; Traxler, M. F.; Engene, N.; Koyama, N.; Vining, O. B.; Baric, R.; Silva, R. R.; Mascuch, S. J.; Tomasi, S.; Jenkins, S.; Macherla, V.; Hoffmann, T.; Agarwal, V.; Williams, P. G.; Dai, J.; Neupane, R.; Gurr, J.; Rodríguez, A. M. C.; Lamsa, A.; Zhang, C.; Dorrestein, K.; Duggan, B. M.; Almaliti, J.; Allard, P-M.; Wolfender, J-L.; Peryea, T.; Nguyen, D-T.; VanLeer, D.; Shinn, P.; Jadhav, A.; Müller, R.; Waters, K. M.; Shi, W.; Liu, X.; Zhang, L.; Knight, R.; Jensen, P. R.; Palsson, B. O.; Pogliano, K.; Linington, R. G.; Gutiérrez, M.; Lopes, N. P.; Gerwick, W. H.; Moore5, B. S.; Dorrestein, P. C.; Bandeira, N. Sharing and community curation of mass spectrometry data with Global Natural Products Social Molecular Networking. Nature Biotechnology, 2016 35, 828.
Antimicrobial metabolites from a marine-derived actinomycete in Vietnam’s East Sea. Thi, Q. V., Maia, H. D., Le, C. V., Hong, M. le T., Murphy, B. T., Chau, V. M., Pham, V. C. Nat. Prod. Commun. 2016, 1, 49.
Deuteromethylactin B from a freshwater-derived Streptomyces sp. Shaikh, A., Elfeki, M., Landolpha, S., Tanouye, U., Green, S. J., Murphy, B. T. Nat. Prod. Sci. 2015, 21, 1.
A pimarane diterpene and cytotoxic angucyclines from a marine-derived Micromonospora sp. in Vietnam’s East Sea. Mullowney, M. W., Ó hAinmhire, E., Tanouye, U., Burdette, J. E., Pham, V. C., Murphy, B. T. Marine Drugs, 2015, 13, 5815.
Diaza-anthracene antibiotics from a freshwater-derived actinomycete with selective antibacterial activity toward M. tuberculosis. Mullowney, M.; Hwang, C.; Newsome, A.; Wei, X.; Tanouye, U.; Wan, B.; Carlson, S.; Barranis, N.; Ó hAinmhire, E.; Chen, W.-L.; Krishnamoorthy, K.; White, J.; Blair, R.; Lee, H.; Burdette, J.; Rathod, P.; Parish, T.; Cho, S.; Franzblau, S.; Murphy, B. T. ACS Inf. Dis. 2015, 1, 168. *Article featured on cover April 2015 issue.
Phylum-specific regulation of resistomycin production in a Streptomyces sp. via microbial co-culture. Carlson, S. K.; Tanouye, U., Omarsdottir, S., and Murphy, B.T. J. Nat. Prod. 2015, 78, 381.
Diazaquinomycins E-G, novel diaza-anthracene analogs from a marine-derived Streptomyces sp. Mullowney, M. W.; O’hAinmhire, E. O.; Shaikh, A.; Wei, X.; Tanouye, U.; Santarsiero, B. D.; Burdette, J. E., and Murphy, B.T. Mar. Drugs. 2014, 12, 3574.
Tools for characterizing bacterial protein synthesis inhibitors. Orelle, C.; Carlson, S. K.; Kaushai, B.; Almutairi, M. M.; Liu, H.; Ochabowicz, A.; Quan, S.; Cuong, V. C.; Murphy, B. T.; Mankin, A. S. Antimicrob Ag. Chemother. 2013, 57, 5994.
Potential chemopreventive activity of a new macrolide antibiotic from a marine-derived Micromonospora sp. Carlson, S. K.; Marler, L.; Nam, S-J.; Santarsiero, B.; Pezzuto, J.M., and Murphy, B.T. Mar. Drugs. 2013, 11, 1152.
Isolation and Characterization of Natural Blue Pigments from Underexplored Sources. Newsome, A.; Murphy, B. T.; van Breemen, R., from Physical Methods in Food Analysis, ACS Books, March 2013.
Kondratyuk, T., Park, E.J., Yu, R., van Breemen, R., Asolkar, R.N., Murphy, B.T., Fenical, W., and Pezzuto, J.M. Novel marine phenazines as potential cancer chemopreventive and anti-inflammatory agents. Mar. Drugs. 10: 451-464, 2012.
Murphy, B. T.; Jensen, P.; Fenical, W. “Marine Bacteria.” Invited chapter (1.3) from “Handbook of Marine Natural Products.” 2011, Springer, New York, NY.
Murphy, B. T.; Maloney, K.; Fenical, W. “Marine Microorganisms.” Invited chapter from “Phytochemistry and Pharmacognosy” submitted as part of the United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization’s Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (UNESCO-EOLSS). 2011, Oxford, UK. [email for a Pdf copy]
Murphy, B. T.; Narender, T.; Kauffman, C.; Jenson, P.; Fenical, W. Saliniquinones A-F, cytotoxic anthraquinone-g-pyrones from Salinispora arenicola. Aus. J. Chem. 2010, 63, 929-934. [Invited submission for special issue on marine natural products]
Oh, H.; Jensen, P.; Murphy, B. T.; Fiorilla, C.; Sullivan, J. F.; Ramsey, T.; Fenical, W. Cryptosphaerolide, a cytotoxic Mcl-1 inhibitor from a marine-derived ascomycete related to the genus Cryptosphaeria. J. Nat. Prod. 2010, 73, 998-1001.
Murphy, B. T.*; Cao, S.*; Brodie, P.; Maharavo, J.; Kingston, D. G. I. Antiproliferative bistramides from Trididemnum cyclops from Madagascar. J. Nat. Prod. 2009, 72, 1338-1340. *Authors shared equal contribution.
Cao, S.*; Murphy, B. T.*; Foster, C.; Lazo, J. S.; Kingston, D. G. I. Synthesis and activity of simplified adociaquinone B and napthoquinone derivatives against Cdc25B phosphatase. Bioorg. Med. Chem. 2009, 17, 2276-2281. *Authors shared equal contribution.
Murphy, B. T.; Slebodnick, C.; Brodie, P.; Miller, J. S.; Rasamison, V. E.; TenDyke, K.; Suh, E. M.; Kingston, D. G. I. Antiproliferative limonoids of Malleastrum sp. from the Madagascar rainforest. J. Nat. Prod. 2008, 71, 325-329.
Murphy, B. T.; Cao, S.; Brodie, P.; Miller, J. S.; Ratovoson, F.; Birkinshaw, C.; Rakotobe, E.; Rasamison, V. E.; TenDyke, K.; Suh, E. M.; Kingston, D. G. I. Antiproliferative compounds of Artabotrys madagascariensis from the Madagascar rainforest. Nat. Prod. Res. 2008, 22, 1169-1175.
El-Youssef, H. M.; Murphy, B. T.; Amer, M. E.; Al-Rehaily, A. J.; Abdel-Kader, M. S.; Kingston, D. G. I. Two new flavonol glycosides from the aerial parts of Lotus lalambensis growing in Saudi Arabia. Nat. Prod. Sci., 2008, 14, 86-89.
Murphy, B. T.; Cao, S.; Norris, A.; Miller, J. S.; Ratovoson, F.; Andriantsiferana, R.; Rasamison, V. E.; Kingston, D. G. I. Cytotoxic compounds of Schizolaena hystrix from the Madagascar rainforest. Planta Med. 2006, 72, 1235-1238.
Murphy, B. T.; Cao, S.; Norris, A.; Miller, J. S.; Ratovoson, F.; Andriantsiferana, R.; Rasamison, V. E.; Kingston, D. G. I. Cytotoxic flavanones of Schizolaena hystrix of the Madagascar rainforest. J. Nat. Prod. 2005, 68, 417-419.
Murphy, B. T.; MacKinnon, S.; Yan, X.; Hammond, G. B.; Vaisberg, A. J.; Neto, C. C. Identification of triterpene hydroxycinnamates with in vitro antitumor activity from whole cranberry fruit (Vaccinium macrocarpon), J. Agric. Food Chem. 2003, 51, 3541-3545.
Neto, C. C.; Yan, X.; Murphy, B. T.; Azogu, K.; Hammond, G. B. Chapter 27: Fractionation, antioxidant activity and cytotoxicity of cranberry fruit extracts, Symposium Series No. 851 Food Factors in Health Promotion and Disease Prevention, ACS Books, Shahidi, F.; Ho, C.-T.; Watanabe, S.; Osawa, T.; Eds. 2003, p. 312-321.
Yan, X.; Murphy, B. T.; Hammond, G. B.; Vinson, J. A.; Neto, C. C. Antioxidant activities and antitumor screening of extracts from cranberry fruit (Vaccinium Macrocarpon). J. Agric. Food Chem. 2002, 50, 5844-5849.